+48 32 2000 808


Auto-Elements Awards

Auto-Elements is regularly awarded for its business achievements, among others, the company has received the well-known Gazelle of Business award on many occasions for being among for the most dynamically developing companies in Poland.


  • 2009 - Gazelle of Business
  • 2010 - Gepard of Business
  • 2011 - Gazelle of Business
  • 2012 - Efficient Firm
  • 2013 - Gepard of Business
  • 2014 - Gazelle of Business
  • 2015 - Gazelle of Business
  • 2016 - Gazelle of Business
  • 2017 - Gazelle of Business
  • 2018 - Gazelle of Business
  • 2019 - Gazelle of Business
  • 2020 - Gazelle of Business
  • 2021 - Gazelle of Business
  • 2022 - Gazelle of Business
  • 2023 - Gazelle of Business
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